3rd – Sw1msu1t

3rd – Wethair

4th – Catzilla

5th – Nightowl

5th – Positivity

6th – Memories

7th – Eyebrows

10th – Chooseday

11th – No

12th – Thirthy-One

13th – Friday13

15th – Leonpride

16th – Whimsical

17th – Glitz&Glam

17th – Hydrated

18th- Red1

18th – SliceIt

19th – Developer

20th – Gorgeous

23rd – Monday

24th – Rabbit

25th – Vestday

27th – Fashion Police

30th – 18k

From the 23rd of January until the 29th of January,
we got a Lemur related goCode daily.